Well, it's all done. We had our graduation for our School of Ministry Develop- ment yesterday. I can't believe how fast everything has gone! Well now we are staying at Aaron's parents house for about 2 weeks and then we are having a visit in Canada. woo hoo! And we will also be preparing for our departure to Chile. So the last few weeks have been great. I got the chance to go to my first baseball game last week. Dodgers vs. Angels. That was great. I personally think that baseball is a little dull but it's not like people go to watch the game right? The fun is in the people you go with, and that made it good.The last speaker we had at our school was the director from the Colorado Springs YWAM base. He spoke on biblical counselling. It was so good. I love that kind of stuff. It makes me want to do the IBC school (Intro to Biblical Counselling) Well I guess we'll see later on, right now our eyes are on Chile.

As our departure gets closer and closer I realize this is a bit of a step of faith. God has given us a location but hasn't really told us why we are going. We're just doing it and trusting that God will lead us as we go. It's not really that odd. The same thing happened with Aberaham. God gave him a location but didn't tell him why or what he would do there. It's also like when the Israelites had to cross the Jordan river (during flood season) and God told them, "As soon as the priests who carry the arc of the Lord -the Lord of all the earth- set foot in the Jordan, it's waters flowing down stream will be cut off and stand in a heap."(Joshua 3:13) You see, God promised to make a way for them but he asked them to take the first step. It may seem risky and foolish but if you are willing to take that step, you will discover it is worth the risk. So why are we going to Chile if we don't even know what we are doing there? Well, we are getting our feet wet.
Go Dodgers!!
Me and Aaron at the game (hockey is better)
JP being....JP
Ecclesia Hollywood, our church!
Beautiful view of LA
Doesn't this look like a jungle in Guatemala or something? ha!
hey you guys! i can't believe that you are done already! time has really flown by! i can't wait to see what God does with you guys on this next step! and you know i have to mention....just because you know my deep love for the ywam pichilemu base...they have the IBC. just a thought for your already full heads! love you guys!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Sarah & Aaron! That's a great accomplishment. I love the look of your new blog, every entry just looks great. God Speed in Chile! So excited for you! I'll have you both in my prayers, please keep Daniel and I in yours if you can. Ain't marriage grand? =0)